zondag 13 mei 2012

Making my own scarf

In these cold winters you definitely need them.
Normaly in spring you don't. (The last 2 springs in Holland were like summer)
But this spring is different. It's COLD and rainy and sometimes feels like autumn.

This winter I knitted my own scarf. I used it very much, but in spring it does not give me the feeling that weather is going to be better soon.
So I looked around in all kind of shops for a nice 'spring' scarf.
In Belgium I found the perfect one. Unfortunately the perfectness did not fit the price...
Okey, maybe it sounds like I love scarfs and it's the only thing I talk about. But to pay more than €15,00 makes me feel I'm crazy.

So it took a while to find the perfect scarf, but I found one. I bought it and when I took a better look, I thought how easy it could be to make one myself.
So it tickled me immediately to go to the fabric shop.

I found this amazing fabric
It didn't cost me a long time to sew things together. (and it didn't cost me a lot of money as well)
Maybe it's because I was very exited and on these moments the perfectionist in me, is far away.
But I was very happy when I finished.
Now I got 2 'spring' scarfs :)
(I'm not sure that will be the the final amount of scarfs ;) )

The result: 

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